Guidelines and Tips for Essential Oils Storage
When you acquire your essential oils from Magical Natural, you must adhere to specific guidelines to preserve their therapeutic potency and quality.
Proper storage will help maintain their freshness and protect them from evaporation, oxidation, photo-catalytic activity, and photo-toxicity.
Temperature: Store your oils in a cool, dark location, away from air, light, and heat sources.
Humidity: Maintain a dry environment to prevent contamination from mold and bacteria. Avoid storing oils in restrooms or other humid areas.
Keep it Closed: Ensure that tops or screw-on caps are replaced firmly and securely immediately after each use.
Safety: Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets, and avoid excessive exposure or ingestion.
Under optimal conditions, essential oils may remain effective for a year or longer, depending on the specific variety.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our aromatherapist to get effective advice.